French Escapade: Paris to Monte Carlo 25th August 2014

Although Tauck river cruise roll calls are as about as successful at finding fellow passengers as finding a water tap in the Simpson Desert I must at least try.

We're Rod and Andrea from Australia and we'd love to hear from you before we travel. We will be arriving in Paris a day early after our tour of England, Scotland and Wales. If you're also booked on this cruise please let us know as we'd love to chat with you to arrange that first drink.

You can drop us an email at


  • Just bringing this thread back into the top 10. Anyone out there going with us?
  • Hello Rod and Andrea - There will be 4 in our group from the US, we are arriving a couple of days early to give us a chance to see some more of Paris and the outlying area. We plan on spending the 24th out at Chateau Fontainebleau which will probably be an all day event but maybe we can meet up for a drink when we get back.

    Members of our Group are Myself (Dawn), Vicki, Monica and her husband Allen. You can drop me an email at
  • Great to hear from you Dawn. We are both looking forward to meeting you and your group. Email on the way. Now lets get more of you posting and we'll one heck of a welcome party ... Lol ..

  • Forever the optimist - Anyone else joining us for this great French cruise? Don't be frightened to reply. I promise I won't bite you.
  • I don't know, but I've heard you can hold your own against the Taz, Dingoes, and riled up Wombats : )
  • You've been talking to Jan haven't you Alan. Gotta love a Wombat that just eats, roots and leaves.
  • Yes, but we are absolutely adorable. And unique, to boot!
  • Sounds like the party will start early. I did mention previously that I would be on this cruise so it will be good to catch up with happy people. My son, Brendan, his wife Matthanee and myself Ron, will be in Paris doing the day early thing also. Kind Regards.

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