Northern India, Nepal and Katmandu Oct. 27th 2014

I listened to a webinar today from Tauck about the BBC and Earth Journeys with Tauck and I asked if the Oct. 27th 2014 departure which we are scheduled to take to Northern Indiia, Nepal and Katmandu would be one of the Earth Journeys even though on the Tauck webpage it doesn't list it as one. I was told that this departure would be an Earth Journey even though it is not listed as one. I see nothing online that describes what this means in terms of what will be experiencing. we are very excited that you have added this itinerary to the earth Journeys, but we are wondering if you can assure us this is indeed true and what exactly that means in terms of the itinerary and our experience especially in the national parks as we search for the elusive tigers. Will there be a BBC specialist with us as well?


  • Hello joanzsher,

    Thank you for attending our webinar yesterday. I am very sorry to inform you that your 2014 trip to Northern India will not include the BBC components. Unfortunately, the moderator misinterpreted your question and thought that you was referring to the 2015 October date.

    Apologies again for the misunderstanding, please let me know if you'd like someone from our Sales team give you a call.

  • My husband and I are considering this trip for 2015. We have been on the Spotlight on India tour and are wondering why the first hotel is listed as the Oberoi Gurgaon and not the Oberoi New Delhi, which is where we stayed previously.

    Also, what is the Earth Journey?
  • These are two different hotels, the Gurgaon is near the airport. Are you sure you did not stay there the day you returned from your Spotlight on India tour? We did this tour this past February, staying at the New Delhi one at the beginning of the tour and the other one at the end. We did not stay all night but had access to a day room before we left for the airport about 1am. To me it was definitely a step down from all the other Oberois, much smaller and definitely had the feel of an airport transient hotel.
    Earth Journeys--as far as I can tell from reading those tours that have Earth Journey, it means you will access to superior camera equipment like night vision, GoPro, things like that. I am quite sure you will not have a BBC cameraman with you. But I would call Tauck to explain more fully.
  • thanks, British. Like you, we stayed at the Oberoi New Delhi when we arrived and the Trident Gurgaon ( next to the Oberoi ) at the end. But the Safari trip starts with a stay at the Oberoi Gurgaon, not the one in New Delhi and I was wondering why, since I believe the one in New Delhi is much better located.
  • Yes, sorry it was the Trident I stayed in, a sort of budget Oberoi they told us.
  • We did this trip in April and indeed the first hotel is the Oberoi Gurgaon. One of my feedback points to Tauck was that the hotel should be changed to the Oberoi New Delhi. The hotel in Gurgaon is out near the airport and is basically a business/transit hotel with very little nearby. The day tours into Delhi take forever in the traffic. The good news is that the remaining hotels and itinerary during the trip are outstanding.

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