My wife and I are scheduled for this trip beginning August 8.

Do the hotels have WIFI?

If so, is there a charge to use it?



  • I'm going the week before you. I'm guessing at least some of the hotels don't have wifi (the Jasper Park lodge is spread out so I'm guessing no wifi in the rooms there). Per the Tauck documents for this trip, "where available, basic internet access is provided on a complimentary basis (service levels may vary)."

    Hopefully, someone who's gone recently can give us a more detailed answer.
  • Hi-
    I was just on the June 27th trip.
    We had wifi in every hotel. When you go to sign on to the wifi at the hotels, it will say on the screen that there is a charge. But you can go ahead and sign on. The fee is waved for Tauck guests.
    To be on the safe side though, double check with the front desk to make sure the fee will be waved before you actually access the wifi.
    You will have an amazing trip...one of the best I ever took!

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