Classic Italy Sept 12th

Looking forward to our first trip to Italy and our first trip with Tauck. Flying out of SFO on Sept. 10th.
Anyone else flying from SFO on that day?


  • Grannyrose - I also will be doing the Sept. 12 Classic Italy trip and will be leaving from SFO. But I will be leaving several days earlier than you. This will be my 4th Tauck tour, my first trip to Italy/Europe. It has been many decades since my last Tauck tour, but if its anything like they did on past tours, it will be nothing but fabulous.! Can't wait. Maybe we can connect up at the hotel before the cocktail party/dinner for coffee or a drink as I will be arriving the morning of the tour.
  • Thanks Petals for taking the time to reply. My husband and I will look forward to connecting with you at the hotel on the first day of the tour.
    Thanks "travelibrary" for the helpful travel hint, too.

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