category 3 loft cabins Inspire - noise?

Am considering changing our cabin to a category 3 loft cabin for our 2015 sailing but read a review of the ship mentioning a noise problem (likehearing toilets flushing) in those cabins - enough that the folks were moved up a deck. Please, could someone who has sailed on either the Inspire or Savor in one of these cabins let me know what their experience was like? I'd hate to make the change and then really regret it. Thanks so much !


  • I don't know, sorry, but have the same question for anyone who has already sailed? I hope it is category 1 that has the issue and not category 3?
  • Just found this review, hope this may answer your question and my concern!
  • Thanks, Gregdude. I'd read that one and it pretty much convinced me to change. BUT, there is one on that concerns me about the noise. I'm going to try to contact the poster to see what I can find out for us.
  • Yes, I read that as well and am concerned be caused we are booked into cabin 104! I think I will call Tauck directly and ask about that cabin and the issue in general.
  • I spoke to Tauck on Tuesday, asking about the reported noise in the loft category cabins. I was told that one of their own staff had stayed in a loft cabin on Inspire this summer and that they did not hear the reported noise, nor had Tauck received any complaints form past passengers since Inspire was launched. Based on my conversation I am keeping my reservation as planned. I am chalking the Cruise Critic comment up to an anomaly from a single person and not a real ongoing issue.
  • I still need to decide. Calling them later today. It's a big difference in cost, which could be used for airfare for one of us or whatever. Thanks for your input and I'll let you know what they say. When are you sailing? We're booked for next July southbound.
  • We sail in May, 2015.

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