Is Anyone Else Stunned that the Early September Tours are a GO!

We've just learned that Tauck has decided to proceed with our Sept. 4th tour. Based on the State Dept.'s continued travel warning recommending U.S. citizen's not to travel there on non-essential business in conjunction with no long term agreement on the ending of hostilities over there we are thoroughly SHOCKED!

Are others in agreement?

If you're planning on going on this upcoming tour can you please share your thoughts on it?


  • Although traveling to Israel has never been on my list of places to visit, one of many reasons being the instability, I do not know what policies Tauck have for how near to cancel or change an itinerary for a trip like this. For example, I for one would be annoyed if I was booked on an Africa trip and they cancelled because of Ebola issues, even this near the start of the trip.
    Have they given you a timeframe in which they would make a decision? Maybe they have a replacement trip in mind, who knows. What a nightmare to have these constant world problems to work around for a company. Thank goodness they are still in business for those of us who like to travel but don't always want to do the work to make all those arrangements ourselves.
    A couple we met on another tour asked us to go to Egypt with them a few years ago, we declined, we had Egypt thrown down our throats constantly at school and had a great museum with tons of "Mummies" to see and all else Egyptian near where we grew up. it was funny how we both had the same feelings when we chatted about our travel wishes. Even thirty years ago we former Brits were always put off traveling there and my Dad always said he was so disappointed when he saw how near Cairo was to the pyramids during the war. So anyway, this couple went with Tauck, and trouble broke out. Tauck did an excellent job, getting everyone out of the country, almost the first of anyone to get out. They were flown to Athens I believe and given an excellent substitute tour of the area instead. I can't remember if they had the option to return home, but I know they were extremely impressed with how things were handled and the substitute arrangements.
    I can understand how frustrated you must be, but at least you can cancel, you don't have to go. The company has to have some kind of rule, protocol, whatever you want to call it, to remain in this business. Let's hope that all those people in those areas are spared any more death and destruction, how terrible for them to have to suffer so much. Let us privileged Americans count our blessings
  • I have very mixed feelings about this. My sister has lived in Jerusalem since 1976 so I am pretty up on what is actually going on over there. We have friends who were in Israel during the Lebanon war and said that you would never know anything was going on. The areas the tour goes to are not the areas in turmoil. The only thing that would give me pause are the missiles over Tel Aviv -- a new development in the conflicts. My husband and I took this trip in 2010. Far and away the best of the Tauck trips we have taken -- and I had not been a big fan based on other trips to visit my sister. The decision about whether to go is a very personal one. Would I go? Probably -- depending on developments between now and Sept. 4. Would I go if I had great trepidation about it? No. The situation there now IS volatile and uncertain. This is your vacation -- and not an inexpensive one. If you feel uncomfortable about it you might want to wait and do it another time. If you purchased the Tauck insurance you will have a year to apply it to another trip.
  • What a true valuable insight Judy, it's good you took time to post this
  • I know it is frustrating, but Tauck would not decide to cancel a trip this far out. You feel it is really close to your trip, but they would be hoping things might change in the next few weeks. Good Luck. I have not had to worry if they would have to cancel a trip I was signed up for, but if my trip did get cancelled I would not know what to do with my vacation time at work.
  • I was just depending on the good judgment of Tauck not to put us in harms way, but I didn't not know that the state dept. was still not recommending travel. That does make me nervous!
  • Hi all,

    As you've heard, Tauck is planning to operate as scheduled on all upcoming Israel & Jordan departures. We are continuing to monitor the situation very closely, as we are in contact with our local suppliers and resources. Our decision to operate was based on the long-term ceasefire that has been established for the past five days. If there are going to be any changes, we will advise immediately.
    As always, the safety and security of our guests and employees is our utmost priority.


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