Tips: Activity Options and Airport Timing

We went in early August 2014. Wanted to pass on some tips:

In Jasper, you have the option of one of three activities: Tram ride, whitewater rafting, and the wildlife discovery tour. But, if you're willing to pay for the second activity, you can fit in any two of the three (at least on our tour, this is subject to change).

Rafting- we didn't do this, but the people who went enjoyed it. Fairly tame (Class II rapids for those in the know). Wet suits are provided and must be worn (cold water!). Wear your swim suit under your clothes when you go.

Tram ride - a very small tram (by comparison to some) - about 25 people per car. On car goes up while the other comes down. As a result, wait times can be an hour or more to go up when its busy. Tauck does a good job of timing the tickets, but if you book on your own as a second activity, you may wait a bit. View from the tram station is nice (looking out towards the town of Jasper and the Lodge), but the best view is from the peak. The peak is a little over a mile hike on a fairly steep trail from the tram station. I highly recommend it if you are in fairly good shape and have sturdy shoes (also bring water, sunscreen and wear a hat).

The Wildlife discovery tour takes place in the evening when the animals are most active. If you do two activities, be sure that this one is through Tauck. Some others on our tour booked through the concierge and got placed with another company with a less experienced guide. Our guide was fantastic. A former game manager with the park, her really knew his stuff. If you go, be sure to wear sturdy shoes and long pants. Some walking through brushy uneven areas will be required to get the most out of the tour. We saw elk, bear, and bald eagles on our tour. Results may vary especially depending on the time of year.

Finally, a word about the airport and scheduling your flights. If you are flying to the US, you clear US customs in Canada. So you need to allow extra time for that. Tauck says three hours, but if you leave early (assuming you stayed overnight in Calgary at the end), you can cut this to two (We had an eight o'clock flight and our driver picked us up at 5:30am). Think about this when deciding on flight times. If you have Global Entry, they do have the kiosks for that in the Canadian airports. If you are connecting through a Canadian city and then flying to the US, you will clear customs in the connecting city, so allow plenty of time to connect.


  • What about clearing customs into Canada? Our flight will arrive at 1:30 and I see the tour leaves the airport at 3:00. Do you have comments on time to clear customs into Canada? Thanks, Diane Kramer

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