Venice ,Florence,Rome Sept 14 2014

Don't quite understand where this thread went. Looking for others on this tour.
I posted yesterday,got one reply now it has vanished.


  • Are you on the tour that starts Sunday, Sept 14 at Bauer's L'Hotel? That is the one we are on. Looking forward to it. It includes Venice, Florence and Rome and think it is called Heart of Italy in another place in the "forum". There do not seem to be posts re the 9-14 tour .
  • There are two different tours that begin the same day and start in two different hotels. So Many tours to chose!
  • We are at the other hotel,Luna Hotel Baglione,starting the week in Italy tour,Venice ,Florence and Rome. Sorry we could not connect with anyone else.
  • Drfun48 wrote:
    We are at the other hotel,Luna Hotel Baglione,starting the week in Italy tour,Venice ,Florence and Rome. Sorry we could not connect with anyone else.

    we are also on the 9/14 A week in Venice......first Tauck tour. So excited
  • edited September 2014
    Hi Arleen,
    We are Ted and Terry from Middletown NJ. I am a 66y/o dentist and Terry is a younger retired English teacher.
    This too is our first Tuack tour and have heard nothing but great things.
    We are frequent cruisers with Celebrity,nearly 40 usually the Caribbean and 4 trips to the Galapagos.
    We arrive Sunday from JFK,NY and look forward to meeting you.
  • we will be on Delta flight 474 out of JFK. Look forward to meeting you and your wife. we are Arleen and Bill from Centerport New York. My husband is a Project Leader in IT and I am a Real Estate Broker.
  • We are on the same Saturday Delta 474 flight! We'll probably see you at the gate.Flights have been leaving late all week.
  • I'll be wearing a bright orange golf type shirt...come say hello
  • will look for you
  • Arleen wrote:
    will look for you
    Great...see you later.

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