Sept. 18 Tour Weather

Hi there, Now that we are less than 2 weeks away from our trip, I was wondering what the weather reports were for the areas we will be in. I want to pack efficiently, but wish to be prepared!


  • Hi. We're on this trip and as of today the various online weather reports show low 70s with some rain 10 days out. I think it is too soon to be too accurate, but I plan on taking a cardigan sweater, light rain jacket and a fleece (in case it gets down into the 50s). I plan to take some long sleeve tops so I can layer. We're from NY and it's in the low 70s here now so that gives me an idea of what to expect.
  • edited September 2014
    (Dang over-sized photos! You will need to use the scroll bar at the very bottom to recenter the text)

    We took this trip in June so not all that applicable. But many of the principal internet weather sites had been forecasting cool wet weather for the weeks leading up to and during our trip- even just a few days prior! I was bummed out, and preparing myself for the worst- a cool and wet trip.

    But on the contrary, we had rain only once, for about 1 hour on the day we visited the Passion Play theater in Oberamergau, and clouds obscured the summit of the Zugspitze during our visit there, but for the majority of the trip the weather was fantastic. At worst we had some overcast.

    Check the "Before You Go" section of the tour page for historical temps and rain, but be careful what website you use for forecast data. There was a recent thread here that discussed weather websites. My sister is in Munich now and says it has been wet recently, but tomorrow it should be fine. My recommendation is use all the weather information you can find but don't expect forecasts to be very accurate if more the a few days out. Be ready to layer, a fleece (jacket or vest) is good and a lightweight jacket for rain if it happens- you can always leave some stuff on the bus during travel stops. You aren't outside "at altitude" for too long. Most of your outdoor exposure will be during 2 hour walking tours of Munich, Innsbruck, Salsburg, Balzano, and Liechtenstein, plus for briefer periods at a farm, cheese factory, brewery, etc. and a few other points of interest.

    Such nasty weather in Munich:


    The Alps:


    Grossglockner summit in the background:



    and oh, those nasty Dolomites!


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