Solo Traveler

Wondering if any solo travelers are out there yet for the 9/19 Essence trip on this forum? I'm traveling Dallas/FW to Miami and get into Santiago the day before early on the 18th. Excited to see the wonders of SA and as it's still spring it should be fine weather. Coming from Portland OR so I have to go East to go West - wacky connections!


  • Hi mikipdx. I am not a solo traveler. My husband and I are going on the 9/19 tour. We are flying direct from DFW to Santiago getting in early on the 18th. We are excited as well. Look forward to meeting you.
  • mikipdx wrote:
    Wondering if any solo travelers are out there yet for the 9/19 Essence trip on this forum? I'm traveling Dallas/FW to Miami and get into Santiago the day before early on the 18th. Excited to see the wonders of SA and as it's still spring it should be fine weather. Coming from Portland OR so I have to go East to go West - wacky connections!

    Yes I am a solo traveler. I will be coming from Las Vegas to GA to Santiago, arriving the 19th around 4:00pm
  • Dancey wrote:
    Yes I am a solo traveler. I will be coming from Las Vegas to GA to Santiago, arriving the 19th around 4:00pm

    Hi Dancey,

    I'll look forward to meeting you the evening of the 19th at the welcome reception and dinner. I'm getting in on the 18th so I'll be booking a culinary and/or culture tour with Santiago Tours for the 19th. Taking the 18th as jet lag recovery and to be flexible for any travel delays. Smooth travels to Santiago.

  • Hi Miki and Dancey --- I am also a solo traveler on this trip coming from San Francisco arriving via DFW on the 18th. Looking into traveling to Valparaiso for the day on the 19th. See you all soon. Safe travels. Liz

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