Colonial Tram Restaurant.

For the Grand Australia and NZ Tour
Question on the second day in Melbourne after the morning tour,

is there enough time to catch the 1 pm Lunch at The Colonial Tramcar Restaurant. What exactly is the morning schedule and what time do the guests arrive at The Langham Melbourne?

Should we cancel our 1pm Lunch reservation?

Oct9-28 Grand Australia and NZ Tour guests.


  • I would cancel it you can't be sure getting back to hotel to make the lunch. To tell you the truth when I went they included a tram car supper and that was my one complaint. You saw nothing of interest and would have liked to spend my time doing something else. We felt it was a waste of our time in Melbourne.
  • The tram ride was part of our tour, it was a novel thing to do but not something that you would hate to miss.
  • Really do not waste your time on this. There are so many other opportunities close to the Langham. It was a part of our tour and was the number one item we recommended be removed from the tour for many reasons. You are going to enjoy your Australia/New Zealand adventure very much.
  • Given the choice of lunch vs dinner, I'd respectfully suggest lunch. That way you get to see some of the inner city in daylight. It is very pretty at night, but my guess is that you will not have any previous idea of what you are about to see and at night, what you do see may mean little to you. As for alternatives to the tram restaurant, there are indeed many other interesting things to do apart from this unique dining experience. It's a fun thing to do, one that locals enjoy as much as tourists to our fair city.

    Perception is everything. If you start out thinking something will be a waste of your time … guess what? It probably will be. A positive & open attitude is just what a world traveller needs to enjoy the world! As to whether you have time, why don't you call Tauck directly. They will be able to give you an idea of the daily schedule and the TD on the spot will no doubt be able to assist you also.


  • We are going in to Mebourne early - we are on Grand Australia only - and i had no problem making a reservation for lunch the same day our tour starts (at dinner)
  • We are on this trip in 2015 and have booked dinner on the Colonial Tram. Reading thru the comments was quite confusing as to whether Tauck included this or not. We reached out to Tauck Customer Service and they advised us that the Colonial Tram Restaurant is NOT included in the 2015 tours.
  • edited September 2014
    It used to be, but was taken out when so many of us commented was a waste of time and not very good. I advise cancel and go to a better restaurant.
  • As you can see, the opinions differ. As I have said previously it is a novelty, you tend to concentrate on talking to others instead of site seeing, especially at night. I did not make any negative comments to Tauck because it made a nice addition to the tour for me without me wanting to say, OMG you should do this, but then we arrived earlier in Melbourne and were able to see a few more things not included on the tour that past travelers have previously mentioned. You have to do research and make a decision.

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