Lufthansa Pilot Strike

We just learned today about the Lufthansa Pilot Strike, currently impacting long haul flights 9/29-9/30. We are booked for a Lufthansa flight out of Chicago O'Hare next Tuesday, Oct. 7, flight change in Frankfort, with final destination of Naples for the start of the Oct. 8 Classic Italy tour. We are wondering if anyone is aware of the Lufthansa pilot strike continuing and/or happening again on Oct. 6-7. I'm not getting any information on a future strike on the Internet - perhaps there is some site I'm just not aware of or perhaps there is no future planned strike at this time. The Lufthansa sites has information on the current strike only. Any information appreciated. THANKS!


  • Hello AHGal,

    We are just aware of the 15hr strike that is taking place today, 9/30 we are not aware of any future strikes as of this posting.

    Hope this helps,
  • The bigger question is whether you'll be able to get through O'hare with the system down due to sabotage to the radar facility. News today said it could take a couple of weeks to repair.
  • Yes, both the O'Hare problem and the Lufthansa pilot strike have gotten me rattled so much that I posted my original question in the wrong Forum! It should have been in the Italy/Classic Italy forum.

    But despite that, I appreciate your reponse Emily, and also, Claudia, your comment. Let's hope both issues don't impact our flight to Italy so we can enjoy our first Tauck tour.

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