Balmoral in Edinburgh

Finished the " A Week in Scotland" tour in September in Edinburgh at the Balmoral. What a let down for a 5-Star. Very noisy, very crowded and very slow. The room was old and outdated. The only plus was the High Tea except that our waiter left midway through the service. It took three hours to have dinner one night and was never able to get a seat in the bar. Tauck should take notice.


  • Although there were clearly issues with this hotel, I want to remind Americans that in pretty much any other country in the world, a dinner out is a leisurely and several hour celebration of food and company. One thing I had to learn when I moved to the U.S. was the quick and over in a flash experience of going out for dinner. Even being given coffee before desert seemed most peculiar to me. And going to a 'French' restaurant where there was no cheese course was also a dissappointment. Where there are times when it's good to eat quickly, please take time to experience the traditions of other countries on these amazing tours.
  • Other than not liking the hotel how was the trip. I am taking this trip next June.
  • My husband and I are on the Scotland tour beginning June 14, 2015. Any others of you out there on the same one?

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