Can anyone help with this query? Do we need to get Visas for Australia and New Zealand as we are from England. Also, is it OK to go to New Zealand and return to Australia on the Australian VIsa as we are returning there for our flight home.
Thanks for any replies.


  • Visit the embassy websites for up to date information
  • Hi Fruitgum.
    Yes, you do need a visa for Australia. we have travelled several times from England, and within the grant of your e-vistor visa you can enter and leave Australia as often as you like. You do not need a visa for New Zealand. Go to and you can get your visa very quickly by submitting the information at that site.
    Good Luck
    This is a fabulous tour - we did it last year. Enjoy.
  • Well you learn something new everyday. I had no idea UK citizens needed a Visa to travel within the Commonwealth. We recently returned from the England Scotland and Wales tour and we, as Australians, did not need a Visa to enter Gt. Britain.
  • edited October 2014
    It's complicated. But if you are a UK citizen, you can visit on a tourist visa for 3 months within 12 months as an eVisitor (subclass 651). It is free. I suspect this is a practical way of managing the immigration queues at airports. Perhaps like Heathrow, perchance? Hardly!!

    If you are not a UK citizen, there are other nationalities that fit this category. Make yourself a cuppa, settle down and take your time to read the whole section on visas.



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