Essence of South America, November 7, 2014

My husband and I arrive Santiago, Chile Novembert 6th, for the Nov. 7 Essence of SA Tour, flying out of Atlanta, GA. Anyone on the tour?? We are looking forward to starting this adventure.


  • edited October 2014
    My husband and I going on this tour also. Our 7th Tauck tour. We are from NJ. Two friends we met through Tauck touring are coming from Wisconsin and their friend is coming from FLA. Cannot wait. See you soon. Also flying out of Atlanta on Wednesday night
  • We will all be traveling on the same flight, most likely!! This will be our 5th Tauck Tour. Looking forward to meeting your and your friends, Diane!! Betty and Hans
  • Betty, Great!
  • Hi Diane and Virginia Girl, (actually I'm a Virginia girl myself - go Wahoos!) My husband Terry and I will be on this tour as well. Like you all, we are very excitied! It will be the first time we have had such a long flight, and actually arrived somewhere where the time is the same as it would be at home! We fly out of Atlanta on Thursday night.

    This will be our 5th Tauck tour. I am a little perplexed about the luggage requirements - does anybody know if they really limit the weight like they said they did in the brochure? Ten pounds in a carry on is nothing - my toiletries alone weigh that much! :) And 44 pounds in the checked bag isn't too much either, especially since the weather site I checked online said it might be snowing in Bariloche!! So packing for snow to 90 degrees (Iguazu) will be tough. Any thoughts??

    Looking forward to meeting you all!

  • Hi Cindy,
    My husband and I traveled on the Sept. 19th tour. We like to pack light and were able to keep one bag to 43 lbs and the other to 46 lbs. Our carry-ons were within the 10 lb limit. And we had plenty of clothing and were able to be comfortable with the temperature swings we had on the trip. Snow in Bariloche and warm and humid in Iguazu as you say. Having said that, many of us, as we added souvenirs were over the limit. Tauck took care of any over weights. As far as the carry on's, the airlines wouldn't look twice if it was a backpack or small duffle. They usually weighed any wheeled carry on's and made some people check theirs if they were over 10 lbs.
    Hope this helps.
  • edited November 2014
    I also went a bit over on a past Tauck trip and they took care of it for me. I am still trying to be under 10 on that small carry on. Toiletries, tell me about it. My hair stuff weighs 10 lbs. alone! Flat iron, special shampoo, etc. And my husband is 6'4"...his clothes are pretty big!
  • Thanks Crackeroo and Diane!

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