Sydney Opera House
Is the 8th or the 9th day of the tour, the best day to get tickets for the Sydney Opera House? Does Tauck has access to discounted tickets? I am barely 5 ft so seeing the stage is always a challenge. I've looked at the seating chart and it appears that all the seats for the Playhouse are on one level. Yes?
The website is
I called the Opera House directly for the tickets, and the receptionist I spoke with was extremely helpful with specific seat suggestions. Used Skype for the calls.
and this:
I couldn't find anything on the Opera House site about dress & etiquette, per se. I would only suggest that as eluded to in the above articles, it depends very much on what type of performance you are attending and when that is. Dressing for the first night of the opera is a different kettle of fish to The Godfather Live or Eddie Izzard! Mind you, I think white tie and tails might work very well for Eddie! You will be in Sydney, after all, and Sydney is much less formal than you might think. More Vegas, if you like, in that if by some chance you did commit a social faux pas I doubt anyone would notice. I think you have more than enough leeway here to appease even the most militant of jacket deniers.
When I spoke to them I was told everything from sport jacket and tie to flip flops!
It is just like any play back home. Some go casual and some really dress up. I went on a week day so many came after work in whatever they wore to work that day.
The acoustics are amazing, and the concert hall is spectacular. Dress varied from quite nice to casual (I'd say over half the men did not have jackets), but I did not see any shorts or jeans, it was nicer than that. Joycesw is right that a dress shirt and slacks for a man would be just fine, and a dress or just nice slacks and blouse for a woman would be fine too, though if you want to dress up, you can.