Getting Rupees - Use ATM at airports for safety and convenience

Just a general suggestion to those on India tours. Get Rupees at New Delhi Airport when you land. Citibank cash machines are available. Tauck is picking you up at airport so no danger even if you arrive late at night.

Citibank is widely accessible in India at all the major airports and in the major cities. Very safe and very convenient. There is also a Citibank at the Khan Market in New Delhi (near the Oberoi hotel and good for shopping and some interesting restaurants)

Got some rupees when we landed in New Delhi; got some more at Mumbai airport when we had to change planes on the flight to Cochin about halfway through the tour.

We didn't incur any fees for using the ATM's and Citibank had excellent FX rates.


  • thanks for info
  • When we were in India last year, the tour director took some people to an ATM near the hotel, so my husband went along too. No-one apart from my husband was able to get their cards to work! I don't know think we had told our bank we would be traveling, just can't remember for sure, but others had and they still did not work. You really do not want to be going to an ATM on your own, go in a bigger group or just get money in the hotel. You need really small denominations for trinkets, like 10 rupees. For bigger craft items in proper stores you can use a credit card. As far as getting money at the airport, most flights arrive very late at night, you just want to get out of that crazy busy place, not go looking for an ATM, with hundreds of people around. I believe we got to the hotel about 3am, exhausted and another reason we arrived two days early. The New Delhi Oberoi is lovely, great service! Great spa, great food. Be sure to take the cooking class with the chef if you can, I made his fish curry this past week.

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