Classic Italy in October 2015

My husband and I are planning on signing up for the Classic Italy trip in October 2015. Any suggestions on visiting Positano from Sorrento? How would we get there? Is there enough time to visit?


  • We did the Classic Italy trip a number of years ago. Unless you're arriving early and have a day to devote to Positano, you really won't have enough time to see it on your own. Day 2 includes a stop in Positano, but (unless it has changed) this is just a view of Positano from a overlook. If you do have a free day before the tour, you could hire a driver. I believe there is also public bus service. Contact the concierge at your Sorrento hotel if you want to pursue these options.

    We're going back to Italy next year and taking the Rome, the Amalfi Coast & Capri tour. It includes two nights in Positano. So you may want to do what we did - save Positano for another trip. Happy Travels!

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