
I know this topic came up a while ago and it was said that for iPhones and iPads, only adaptors are needed. Can someone confirm that?
The charger for my digital camera says: Input:100V-240V
Output: 4.2V---0.7A (Whatever that is)
The Kindle charger says: Input: 100-240V
Output: 4.9V---0.85A
For the digital camera and kindle chargers...are adaptors all I need?


  • edited December 2014
    Yup. Like most current digital devices, the 100-240v, 50-60 Hz works everywhere as long as you have the plug adapter to plug it in. Note that the frequency (Hz) sometimes isn't listed on the device. If not, don't worry as long as it lists the 100-240v.

    I'm finding more and more hotels around the world are now using a wall socket that handles pretty much all the standard plugs as well (but don't count on this or loaner adapters...carry a couple with you).
  • Just to further clarify, an adapter is the gizmo you put on the end of the American plug that enables you to plug your electronics into the wall outlet when it is different, it might have two round pins, three square pins, three round pins or anything In between depending on the country you find yourself. An adapter does not change the power. Your electronics self convert, you do not need a converter. However, hair curlers can be a problem, be careful if you have those!
  • Thanks for your feedback. New questions...
    I looked online at adaptors for Australia and New Zealand and it appears that the same adaptor will work in both countries.
    I saw two different types of has 2 flat angled pins (forming a V), the other has the 2 flat angled pins and a third flat pin (called an earthing pin).
    Which type should I look for when I shop for an adaptor? Does it matter?
  • Being earthed is always a good idea, don't you think? Our power points ..... (I think you refer to them variously as "sockets" or "outlets") are always configured to take 3 pins.

    By the time you get home you will have added even more local idiom to you vocabulary. Hopefully. It's only fair since we need to be fluent in yours.


  • Just to clear, the "earth" connection is the same as what we in the USA would call a ground (the third pin on the plug). If your device has only two prongs, the third pin on the adapter does you no good (it will work, but there's no advantage to having the third connection). However, if you're using a three prong plug, buying a three prong adaptor will be the safest. Many adaptors will take a three prong plug, but only have two prongs to plug into the wall. While this will work, it defeats the safety advantage of grounding the device.
  • Thanks-
    The adaptors I bought have the three prongs.
    According to Jan, their "power points" (what we call "outlets") are equipped to handle three prongs. So I am set.
  • Hmmm, a "power point" to me is something you use to give a business or educational, videos, written information...all projected on a screen.
  • Our power points have a much longer heritage than any form of projected presentation. Although, we do hold the record for the world's first feature length, narritive film, made in 1906. Although he was, and still is, variously famous and infamous, Ned Kelly could never be described as a Power Point presentation. Mind you, he was fairly innovative for his day. I'm sure he could have made good use of the medium in a telling of the bigotry and bias of the local law enforcement community against one sector of the Victorian population at the time. Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. How sad is that.
  • Yes Sue - all you need is a wall plug adapter for them. Your plug/adapter for your device will handle the voltage in Australia.
  • Thanks-
    I think it is great that the Australia/New Zealand travel forum is so active with folks helping each other out. It is great to know that as questions come up, fellow travelers are there to offer advice, share their experiences, and give assistance.

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