
It is a long flight from the states. I have just finished the Grand Australia and New Zealand tour ( Dec 6) The tour is great but everyone flying Air New Zealand should up grade to premium economy will be the best money you will ever spend. andy B


  • edited December 2014
    andy dandy wrote:
    It is a long flight from the states. I have just finished the Grand Australia and New Zealand tour ( Dec 6) The tour is great but everyone flying Air New Zealand should up grade to premium economy will be the best money you will ever spend. andy B
    It's less than 13 hours from AKL to LAX, Andy. That's not so bad. It's 22 hours, 15 minutes (on average) from Melbourne to London, Heathrow. Now, that is quite a longish flight. But I do take your point about Air NZ's premium economy, if you don't normally fly business, of course. If you are not used to long haul travel it certainly is a better option.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your time down under.



    Edit: I take it all back! If you were one of the 300 or so poor souls on the United flight from SFO to SYD yesterday I can understand why you might never want to come here again! The flight was diverted from Sydney because of debris on the runway. The flight to Canberra took a further 30 minutes, arriving at 09:00. Then the pilots' flying time ran out. The passengers were unable to disembark (they were allowed, eventually, onto the tarmac) because there were no Customs and Border Control facilities in Canberra. Whilst on the ground they had do deal with just "snacks", and diminished and finally extinguished facilities and supplies onboard the aircraft. The plane took off at 17:00 for the return flight to Sydney. Now that's a long flight in anyone's language!
  • I am super excited. for December 15th Grand AU-NZ. Depart Boston Saturday morning...Business Class. I'm glad you enjoyed the trip.

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