laundry facilities in park lodges?

On the Yellowstone in Winter trip, do any of the park lodges have washers and dryers? The answer makes a difference in how much we pack.


  • Hi jwriter,

    Laundry service is limited in the park; only the Old Faithful Snow Lodge has laundry machines, and only the Wort Hotel in Jackson has valet laundry, so pack accordingly! I hope this helps!

  • This will be my first trip to Yellowstone in winter...however, I have been there many times in summer. If I remember correctly, there are laundry services at the Old Faithful Snow Lodge which we stay for three nights in the middle of the trip. I never used them so I have no idea what they are like. I don't remember any at the Mammoth Hot Springs. I think they are the only two lodges open in winter. You might give them a call or go to the Yellowstone National Park website. They might have that information online...not sure. Hope this helps. If there aren't any laundry facilities you have three choices....pack a lot of stuff, wash some stuff out by hand, or wear it until it stinks.
  • Tim just filled in the blanks....thanks, Tim.

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