calling the united states

how do folks plan to handle this issue.i know one can use skype but what about a phone .have an I phone but it is quite expensive to use
what have folks thought about regarding other options and waht are they
going in feburary,2015


  • The TD will tell you about buying phone cards. My TD said it was inexpensive way to call US.
  • Isn't texting free while you are on wifi? That is going to be easier than calling on the phone anyway while you are in Australia because of the time differences and the fact that you cannot use an iPhone during most of the tour, ie on the bus or anything the group is doing together. You can text from your iPad remember too. I can see there are times where it is good to be in contact with home. Last year we wanted to be sure to hear if our grandchild arrived early while we were away. This year it looks as if we have a sick relative that might affect our upcoming tour. Texting would have been enough for that in an emergency and we could call when we got back to the hotel by a land line if necessary. I feel confident that if anything comes up our friends or relatives will know to contact Tauck and they will get a message to us. I figure if anyone else needs phone contact like for work then they would be savvy enough to know about phone issues. Other than these things I really do not expect to be in contact with people back home and they do not expect to hear from us, after all it is a vacation and before cell phones which was not that long ago, people accepted that fact all the time.
  • I just got back from Australia a month ago and I turned my roaming off until I wanted to send a text. I didn't call once. I did take a few pictures and texted them, and I checked email a couple of times, but for the most part, I had my phone for emergencies only.


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