Any Vaccinations needed?

My husband and I will be going on the trip in April. We're in good health but I am always mindful of taking precautionary measures, just in case. Are there any vaccinations needed for this trip? Required or suggested?


  • I suggest you talk to your travel doctor specialist. There are numerous threads on the forums about Malaria meds and also vaccinations for other diseases. The CDC is also a good place to start. I could make my own personal suggestions, but that is no substitute for talking with someone who knows your medical history. I have been on the Tauck Galapagos tour but not the Peru one. Even though my husband is in fantastic health, he happens to be one of those people who is affected by altitude so Peru cannot be for us, it's just not worth the risk. The Galápagos Islands are on my 'Want to go again' list.
  • Susanna,

    Myself and my husband are going on this trip, in April, as well. We will be on the April 21 departure.
    My research indicates there aren't any REQUIRED vaccinations. But, there are a number that are suggested.
    That being said, I agree completely with British - Be sure to discuss your travel plans with your doctor.
    Some vaccinations and preventive medications take a few weeks to actually become effective so be sure to schedule your doctor appointment accordingly.

    Enjoy your trip.


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