Classic Italy, small group, sept. 13, 2015

My husband and I are booked for this tour. We will arrive one or two days early. We are originally from New York but are retired and living in Florida. Would love to hear from others going on this trip.


  • My husband and I are going on this trip. We are traveling a few days earlier to take advantage of some cooking classes in Italy. We have lived in VT for the last 35 years, my husband is from NY and I am from NJ many moons ago.
  • My husband and I are going on this's our belated honeymoon. We are very excited, but never having traveled with a tour company or to Italy, we are unsure of what to expect. Hoping it's as good as everyone says it will be. Just looking for advice on what to pack - clothing? Any suggestions, as the weight limit is on 50 lbs, which should be hard for 2 weeks?
  • That's each! That's a lot of clothes! You will have no problem with this if you think carefully about mix and match or stick to one or two colors. We have never had a problem with a 50 lb limit. The best tip is to start with a suitcase which is lightweight. It does not have to be an expensive one because it will get wrecked anyway, just make sure it is light. We have toured with Tauck many times, it's a fun and efficient way to travel when the American vacation allowance is so stingy. Then when you decide which places you like best, you can go back and spend more time there. My favorite parts of Italy so far are The Tuscany area, Florence and Siena. I'm not so fond of Rome. You are going to have a great time.
  • Thanks for the info! Thankfully I have a kipling suitcase that is very lightweight :-)
  • Nanaangie wrote:
    My husband and I are booked for this tour. We will arrive one or two days early. We are originally from New York but are retired and living in Florida. Would love to hear from others going on this trip.

    Hi, I am also arriving early one day for small group 9/13. I am traveling single. Originally from N. Jersey, now living in the PHL area. Am semi-retired. Any plans for the early arrival day?

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