
Is anyone out there travelling on this trip? How is the packing coming? It's so hard to pack off season! It's 22 and snowing in New York where we live. Would love to hear from any others on this trip.
Barbara & Stan


  • We're looking forward to summer south of the equator; below zero temps most of last week in northern Illinois, This is our first trip with Tauck. Arriving in Santiago one day early...looking for suggestions how to spend that first extra day. Someone suggested Valparasio, any information?
    Bob and Vicki
  • Hi Bob & Vicki,
    We are planning to go to Valpariso on 1/23 prior to meeting the tour. I believe a taxi is about $310.00 for an English speaking driver and about $50.00 extra for a guide. I'm not clear as to whether the driver can serve as both. I understand it is a full day. There are lots of beautiful things to see. We'd be interested in possibly sharing the taxi. We'll need to connect and speak with the concierge.
    Stan and Barbara
  • Hi folks!

    I hope you have a great time on your trip! Please let me know if you have any questions I can assist with.

  • We will be traveling with another couple, but wouldn't rule out the possibility of making it a trip for six to Valparasio if acceptable arrangements might be made. I have an email query in to the Santiago Ritz asking for information. I also find there is apparently good and very inexpensive bus service between Santiago and Valparasio for the slightly more adventurous. Could maybe arrange for a taxi/guide to meet us there?

    Perhaps TauckTim can make suggestions.

    Using my Tauck Forum 'handle' I can be reached at hotmail.

  • We used Santiago Adventures for a day tour to Valparaiso and Vina del Mar. It was a great full day that included lunch at Portofinos in Valparaiso. Was one of the best meals of our trip and the view was spectacular.
  • edited January 2015
    From Santiago Ritz concierge I just received:
    --- ---
    Full day tour at Viña del Mar and Valparaiso. During the trip we will first visit Valparaiso, the country´s main part and declared a cultural heritage by Unesco just a few years ago. We will explore the steep hills and avenues of the city which began developing at the beginning of the 20th century.

    As we leave Valparaiso behind taking Avenida España to the north, in just a few minutes we are going to get to Viña del Mar, a very well established resort city and a very popular beach during the summer. This is a place with lots of parks and green areas which give the city its second name “Garden City”.

    During the trip we will also visit its main beaches and the Casino Municipal

    The cost of this tour is 250.000.- CLP per 8 hours in a party of 06 passengers

    Include: Private car and driver + tour Guide

    Exclude: Entrance fees, lunch and tips.

    ** Please let us know your interest, because we have to pre-paid these tours in advance.**
    --- ---

    I think 250.000 CLP is about $400 US


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