March 2

My husband and I are going March 2. Grammysue, is this where we should chat?


  • Well done! Off you go.........


  • Hi, We are Jerry and Fran from Florida and we are registered on this trip on March 2. Anyone else on this board.
  • Hi Jerry and Fran! We are Michele and Dan from CA and we are going on the March 2 trip! Looking at the Philip Island penguin tour for the afternoon and evening of March 3. Know anything about it? Couple of good choices on the Internet
  • Hi Michele,

    Most people seem to favour the Gray Line tours. They have quite a variety.

    If you scroll through all the recent posts on the Australian forum, you will find various reports and reviews from past Tauck travellers.


  • Micheler wrote:
    Hi Jerry and Fran! We are Michele and Dan from CA and we are going on the March 2 trip! Looking at the Philip Island penguin tour for the afternoon and evening of March 3. Know anything about it? Couple of good choices on the Internet

    Is there time on Day 2 (Melbourne) to do the Phillip Island tour. What time does the morning tour of Melbourne end?
  • If you look in this thread,
    you might find some answers. Perhaps one of the Tauck Moderators can chip in with more information?



  • Is there time on Day 2 (Melbourne) to do the Phillip Island tour. What time does the morning tour of Melbourne end?
    Found out the morning activities end at 1:15, making an all day trip to penguins out of the question. We booked a tour with for a tour that leaves our hotel@4:30 and returns late at night.
  • Micheler wrote:
    Found out the morning activities end at 1:15, making an all day trip to penguins out of the question. We booked a tour with for a tour that leaves our hotel@4:30 and returns late at night.
    Sorry I wasn't any help.
  • Thanks for your help! I love your posts!
  • You're welcome. Don't forget to pack your layers and a brolly!


  • Thanks for your help. Will probably book for the day before the tour starts to see the penguins to go for the longer tour.
  • Thanks for your help. Will probably book for the day before the tour starts to see the penguins to go for the longer tour.
    That should be great! We'll see you in Melbourne in the 2nd I guess!
  • Micheler wrote:
    Found out the morning activities end at 1:15, making an all day trip to penguins out of the question. We booked a tour with for a tour that leaves our hotel@4:30 and returns late at night.

    I don't want to seem to be jumping in on an area that Jan is very familiar with but when I visit Melbourne I always go to Saint Kilda to see the penquins. It's close to the CBD, easy to get to and best of all it's free. Before you make your decision may I suggest you have a look at this site.

    Now if you ever want to visit Tropical North Queensland ask away.

  • edited February 2015
    I think Jan may still be getting over the joke about me seeing the stuffed Fairy Penguin last week in The Auckland museum, but maybe you could look for her past posts on the forum where she reminds everyone that the 'Penguins do their parade' at dusk. that may influence people in deciding which tour to do. We did not go to see the penguins when we were in Melbourne, but we saw the South Africa ones and the Galapagos ones. Maybe we will go to see those Aussie ones when we next go to Melbourne.
  • Some battles you just can't win, Sir Rod! :))))) I've posted about our secret Penguin colony before. And you are so right. It is a delight! But some of the good burghers visiting our shores ... just ... know things. Asking seems .... Well, why would you listen? Like Sergeant Schultz, we know nutting. ;)


  • edited February 2015
    British wrote:
    I think Jan may still be getting over the joke about me seeing the stuffed Fairy Penguin last week in The Auckland museum, but maybe you could look for her past posts on the forum where she reminds everyone that the 'Penguins do their parade' at dusk. that may influence people in deciding which tour to do. We did not go to see the penguins when we were in Melbourne, but we saw the South Africa ones and the Galapagos ones. Maybe we will go to see those Aussie ones when we next go to Melbourne.

    I can't find that post any more, British!:)))) But I imagine you are still feeling much like one ... Hope poor Mr. B is on the mend.

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