Hotel hairdryers?

Question for TimTauck -

Do most of the hotels where we stay provide small handheld hairdryers?



  • Hi. I am not Tauck Tim but we went on this tour in Sept. All hotels had hair dryers
  • Hi JanBill,

    Yes, like Carckeroo said, all the hotels on this trip have hairdryers available!

  • Thank you! That's one thing less to pack!
  • Tauck Tim re. hair dryers. You said most hotels have hair dryers available on Essence of SA trip. Does this mean hair dryers are in each room or must one request a hair dryer at the front desk?
  • We were on this tour in Sept. Every hotel had hair dryers in the room.
  • Yes every hotel has a hair dryer.
    and some have irons and ironing boards

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