Laundry Facilities

Which hotels on the Aus/NZ trip have laundry facilities? For the hotels where you must send laundry out, how quick is the turnaround and what are the approximate costs? Thanks.


  • Please read my notes on the NZ part of the tour, your cheapest bet is to send a bag as soon as you get to the Copthorne, took about 36 hours to return
  • Hello SteveR9749,

    All the hotels on this itinerary have valet laundry service. The Sails in the Desert in Yulara, N Territory there are coin operated machines. British is right, the Copthorne Hotel in Wellington is your most inexpensive option.

    Hope this helps,
  • In addition to those laundry facilities mentioned:

    . The is a coin-operated facility near the InterContinental in Sydney as well as a cleaners [Prestige (also called Elegance )Cleaners, I think] in the alley near the Intercontinental. For roughly $25 a bag, the cleaners will wash and fold your clothes. We were charged $45 for 3 bags.

    . Te Anau hotel has a coin-operated laundry.

    . Coin-operated laundry near the convenience store in Queenstown; a very quick walk from the Sofitel.

    I believe there are others as well. Bottom line - easy enough for you to do your laundry at a very reasonable rate or use the hotel laundry services.

    Tauck - the Tour Directors know where all the laundry facilities are. Suggest you poll the directors and share the list with future travelers.
  • Just back from this trip and the Reef Hotel in Palm Cove has coin op laundry, ditto Te Anau. Used them both!
    PS You're in for a treat - wonderful trip!

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