
Hi there, am seriously considering the Australia/New Zealand for 2016. I reviewed the schedule and it seems that there is an average of one plane flight every other day. Is that for real? I understand that some are charter flights but clearly, there are regular commercial flights as well. Doesn't that wind up "costing" a lot of lost time?


  • I took this trip in 2011. The flights enable you to see so much more of the country than you would otherwise. Quantas is fabulous for the domestic flights and the charter flights are even better because you just go to the airport, get on the plane, and off you go. No airport hassles. Our tour guide took excellent care of the group when we did have commerical flights, getting luggage, boarding passes, etc. very efficiently. Hope this info helps.
  • I did the Australia tour a few years ago. I am just on my way home from the New Zealand tour which is exactly the same as the complete tour. The 4 charter flights work like this. The bus takes you straight to the plane, literally, only about 20 minutes before the plane takes off. You get served champagne and food depending on length of flight. If you are getting back on the plane a few hours later, like at Rotorua, you can even leave things on the plane. This saves many hours and means you get to see places there would never be time to see by road.
    Australia is a different kettle of fish. Please remember that it is bigger than the USA! Traveling by bus alone would take days and days, don't fancy that when most of it is desert.
    I've just had a great time and know you will too!

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