How Much Cash to Bring

For those who have already traveled, did you purchase AU and NZ dollars prior to traveling or did you make purchases of money after arriving there - at the airport?
If purchasing prior to leaving the U.S., how much in each currency would be recommended?


  • edited January 2015
    I did the Australia tour a few years ago and just returned from NZ. So will just answer that part. We bought some NZ dollars before we went. ATMS easy to find. Used ATM once and hotel another, but not a good rate, just did that for convenience. Most places will take CC but it very common that they will add around 2% to your card whatever type you use, that's just how it is there. This can add up for example on hotel incidentals where you might have had dinner or a couple of spa treatments like we did. How much to take? Depends on what I have mentioned or your personal spending habits. Used cash at the two Craft fairs we found, some did not take Credit Cards. Rarely get cash at airports, just want to get out of there after a long flight.

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