Costa Rica

Hi I'll be traveling in March to Costa Rica. I have some concerns about needing vaccinations, & mosquito borne illnesses. Any advice? Thank-you, Easley


  • We were in Costa Rica at this time last year. No vaccinations were required and we did not feel the need to have any. We encountered no mosquitos. Of course, checking with your doctor is always the safest bet. Costa Rica and its people are beautiful. You will have a terrific time.
  • edited February 2015
    Certain areas of Costa Rica have Malaria risk. Check where you are going. Not seeing mosquitoes does not mean they are not there. Malaria carrying mosquitoes are seldom noticed until too late. No vaccinations are REQUIRED for the country of Costa Rica,that does not mean there are none recommended. Always check with your own Doctor or preferably a travel specialist Dr and have your medical history available. Are you up to date with all your shots? Like flu, tetanus, pneumonia, shingles and so on and so on? I have been on two different tours to Costa Rica with Tauck and absolutely love the country, it is so beautiful.
  • Just checked the CDC website. They recommend being up to date on HepA and Typhoid and normal shots, i.e. flu. No other recommendations except for certain at risk persons. Again, checking with your doctor or travel doctor is the best bet. Enjoy. Which Costa Rica trip are you on?

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