Fall Color

Is the August 15 trip to Nova Scotia and PEI late enough for fall color display?


  • edited February 2015
    Hi Cindy,

    I would have thought that late September to early October would be the peak time for NS & PEI. I would have thought mid-August is a little too early. It would still be a lovely time of year to visit, though.


  • I have only traveled in New England where peak foliage colors occur late September to Mid-October depending on location and altitude.

    It is best to check the internet for Nova Scotia. The few websites I checked said peak foliage starts about the same time and even slightly later in Nova Scotia. It may be because the maritimes are a bit warmer due to the effects of the Gulf Stream. Remember, also, different species of trees change at different times.

    Here is a link to a good TripAdvisor report for Nova Scotia: Nova Scotia fall foliage
  • Cindy: I took this trip about 3 years ago and left the third week of August and returned over Labor Day weekend. It was too early for fall color. There were only a couple of random trees or spots of vegetation at the very beginning of their turn to color. This is a wonderful trip! Guide Rob was fabulous. Lots of great scenery and seafood. I went a day early and rented a car for the day. I drove towards Peggy's Cove and Mahone Bay. Both are on the official tour, but let's say that both are worth seeing twice. At Mahone Bay, the official Tauck tour made only a short stop. I was so happy I had spent more time there, as there are some really cute shops and it was nice to browse without a time limitation. If you are a quilter, there was a great shop in town. I researched on internet ahead of time and printed out maps from mapquest, and it was really worthwhile. Happy Travels!
  • I am from Nova Scotia. August certainly is too early for fall colours. I agree that Mahone Bay and Chester as well are worth a visit.

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