"Family" cruises- just with kids?

I'm looking for a shorter Danube cruise (family obligations require only 7-8 days total). I'm only seeing the family Danube cruise as fitting those parameters. Would 2 adults traveling alone be out of place on this cruise? (I'm not as worried about the activities involved. We're pretty active seniors.) thanks for any input about this cruise.


  • I don't think you would feel out of place. On our first Tauck Bridges trip there was a couple traveling without children and they told me they enjoyed the trip more than the non-Bridges trip they had taken with Tauck. I've also done the Danube cruise and our group consisted of several multi-generational families, a few single parents with child, parents or grandparents with child(ren) and a mom traveling with her two middle aged daughters. The kids tend to hang out together a major portion of the time anyway, which leaves the adults basically childless anyway. We really enjoyed the cruise and highly recommend it.
  • Hi Teacher1,

    Like ah609 said, a lot of the time on Bridges trips, the kids tend to hang out together a large portion of the time, so you won't have kids hanging all over you all the time. Also, my parents and younger sister went on this trip a few years back, and my sister was the oldest of the children, and they would often all spend time together away from their parents and grandparents. My parents had a wonderful time getting to know the adults on the trip, and are still friends with several of them. Like other Tauck trips, a lot of people meet like-minded people while traveling and become friends, and I have no doubt you'll have a fine time.

    I hope this helps!


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