what should I do if I need medical assistance while travelling in Brazil?

I want to know what should I do if I need medical assistance while travelling in Brazil?
Plz give me answers in details


  • Will you be travelling on a Tauck tour?
  • We were on this tour in September. Not really sure how to answer your question. I would suggest if there is a medical concern, you bring it up with Tauck prior to your departure. Once on tour, I am sure the Tour Director would assist if you needed medical attention.
  • No different than being on a tour any where else. Immediately tell your tour director if your are experiencing a medical problem. They are knowledgable of what to do in emergencies.

    I would also prepare for any tour by purchasing travel insurance, whether through Tauck or a third-party insurer. If you have a pre-existing condition that needs to be covered, be sure to purchase the insurance within the pre-existing condition waiver period.
  • Rio has many hospitals, but the free ones are a bad option for travellers, as the wait times can be a whole day! So I suggest Clinica Galdino Campos as it has been helping travellers for years, also the doctors can speak English, can see you in your hotel room and that they are one of the few places in Rio that works with international health plans, so travellers wont have to deal with guarantees before being seen by a doctor.

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