Amesterdam to Budapest May 21, 2015

We are a married couple from Southern California. Anyone else going on this cruise?


  • We're a married couple from northern MN, traveling w/another couple. Both couples celebrating 45th wedding anniversaries. Looking forward to this fabulous trip, and meeting all our new travel friends.
  • Congratulations on your anniversaries. We are also celebrating our 42nd. What part of MN are you from? We have 2 daughters in the Brainerd Lakes Area.
  • We're a married couple from Bellingham, Washington and very excited about the cruise. Looking forward to meeting you all.
  • edited May 2015
    We are from San Antonio, Texas....and are so excited! Is anyone else staying at the Amsterdam hotel before the cruise?
  • You did not post your marriage status!!!!!
  • British! You're the US national! You know how things work. I know you haven't had an irony bi-pass ... but you only have to look at the trouble I get into! ;)))) Bad girl. ;))))))))) But I (still) like you.


  • edited May 2015
    We were being taken up to our room in an hotel elevator once by the bellman who asked us if we were married? To which my husband said, No we are lovers. But then wish he had said, No we met ten minutes ago ! I think the bellman required a little more training, or was it my husband who only gave a second rate answer?
  • You made my morning! :))))) I sometimes think that Regency manners are alive and well in so many parts of the world ... right down to the class double standards. I'm sure Mr B's training is well up to scratch now. ;))
  • Sorry, British! But, for the record, we are a married couple....and have been so for a long time. And we are still excited about this trip!
  • Sorry, British! But, for the record, we are a married couple....and have been so for a long time. And we are still excited about this trip!

    I hope you got the gist of my joke! Have a wonderful time! I was last in Amsterdam about twenty years ago, though I have passed through Schipol airport quite a bit. When we were on that trip to Amsterdam for a long weekend when we lived in England, we toured the RedLight District as tourists do, purely for the curiosity of course, and had such a laugh watching a group of young American men who could not believe the likes of what was for sale. We were called upon by several vendors to come and partake of the live shows and yes as a couple we could get in for free apparently. But we did not go in, so maybe if you do you can report back and let us know what we missed!?
  • I have a wonderful tip for a lunchtime bite to eat or coffee along the way ... to or from the red light district of Amsterdam. Truly! The Oude Kirk (Old Church) is just up the canal from the Sofitel The Grand and is on the edge of the red light district. I had spent a wonderful hour or so wandering around the Old Church, looking at all the interesting burial stones in the floor when I saw a small chalkboard sign advertising coffee and "today's special". Like Alice, I opened the door and instead of finding an annex to the church I found a lunch spot. The nice young man behind the counter told me the enterprise was a fundraiser and employment training place for women "escaping" the sex trade. I took my soup and coffee outside to discover a busy garden setting full of all kinds of people enjoying the fresh air and lunch. Who knew! The soup was lovely, reasonably priced and I could enjoy the world passing by. I wish I'd had time to make a return visit. I got some great photos of the area, too!


  • Yes, I got your joke, British! I was amused, too. I'm sorry you won't be along on this sound like fun! Not sure we'll explore the red light district, as we were in Amsterdam several years ago and roamed around there then. We hope to see outlying towns during our pre-cruise visit But it seems like not many people on this trip will be staying at the Tauck hotel before the cruise. Disappointing.
  • We are a married couple from Pasadena, TX and will be arriving a day early in Amsterdam. Ready and excited for the journey to begin.

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