Week in London and Paris - April 19, 2015

Hi. Just checking to see who might be going on this trip at the same time. This will be my fifth trip with Tauck. This time my step-daughter will be traveling with me. My husband and I have had a wonderful time traveling with Tauck. He is passing on this one because he doesn't care for long plane trips. This has always been a dream of mine to see London and Paris. I'm really looking forward to it. Anyway, it would be great to get in touch with anyone getting ready to take this trip. Hope to hear from you. My e-mail is cathywhoover@gmail.com if you would like to get in touch.


  • Hi guys, it makes me nervous when people post their emails on this public forum, we do sometimes get some scam postings here and I would not like to think that scammers could get hold of your emails. Especially those people who offer fake passports and so on, they sound pretty criminal to me.
  • Thanks for the advice
  • Never had trouble before on this site posting my email, but thanks for the advice. Guess you can't be too careful.
  • edited May 2015
    I am booked on the October 1st tour w/my parents who are both in their mid-70’s. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the trip and was there a ton of walking? I ask because my father uses oxygen, not 100 % of the time, but definitely needs it when walking, especially on inclines. We have a portable oxygen concentrator for trips so we don’t have to worry about setting any oxygen up at our destination.

    We were going to do London & Paris (first time to both) on our own, but w/my father we figured Tauck would be the way to go since they handle the luggage and will have buses to transport us. We have only taken one Tauck trip to Australia/New Zealand in November, 2011, and that was pre-oxygen for my father and a fantastic trip/experience.

    Also, besides the walking question – any other tips/advice? We’re going 2 days early to London and have plans to go to the Churchill Museum and I’m hoping to see the Changing of the Guard. Our stay in Paris will be at a different hotel than the one I believe you stayed in. We’ll be at the Hotel Scribe Paris. We’re not extending in Paris, only at the beginning.

    I’m very excited about our first visit to each location and was wondering how your recent trip went.

    Thank you for any info you can provide!!

    p.s. I know Cathy couldn't make this trip, so I'm hoping someone else who did go would be able to respond. :-)

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