Weather in the beginning of June

We are on the June 4 cruise and would like to know what kind of temperature range we can expect during this period. Any ideas from Moderator or previous travelers?

Bob and Nancy


  • I'm glad you asked that Bob and Nancy. That is one of my main questions. Edwin
  • Go to the page on this website for your specific cruise. Look for the "Before You Go" tab. Select that then select "Preparing to Go". You'll see a tab for "Weather". It'll give you temp's and rain averages for several of the stops on your cruise.

    The whole Before You Go page has a wealth of information on your cruise like what to pack, currency, etc etc.
  • There isn't a tab for weather on the "Before you Go" section. Is it possible it could be somewhere else?
  • After you click on "Before You Go" then click on "Preparing to Go". There's 8 different topics under that including Weather.

    I just checked it again to make sure Tauck hadn't moved things around again and it's there.

    FYI, this gives you historical averages. You'll also want to do a 10 day weather forecast for the main cities the day before you leave to make final packing choices. If you have a smart phone, you can also put one of those weather apps on your phone (I use's) and plug in which cities you like. On our last cruise I'd do a check with that whenever I turned the WIFI on on the phone to check email.


  • I was on the same cruise (June 2nd) a year ago and then it was very warm (hot) in Budapest. It stayed quite warm all the way until Cologne and then it started to cool down.
    In Amsterdam it was quite cool and rainy.
    Enjoy and if one of the tour directors is DANI you'll have a blast with her, she's FUNNY !!!!

    But what happened a year ago may not be the same this year.

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