June 14 departure

Eager to connect with anyone on our trip. We will be a family of 5: me and my wife as well as two boys ages 13 and 16 and a young lady age 20. We will be in Zurich a couple of days early. My oldest son is a geography buff and would love to take a day trip to Lichtenstein. Does anyone have any suggestions about day trip options? Looking forward to a great time.


  • Hello Handy Andy! We are also on the June 14 departure for fun on the Alpine Adventure. I am bringing a friend, along with my16 year old son, Thomas (or Tommy, as I call him!) We will be coming in early too but will be hanging in Paris for a couple nights before heading to Zurich. Anyway, we look forward to meeting your family.
  • edited April 2015
    HandyAndy wrote:
    Eager to connect with anyone on our trip. We will be a family of 5: me and my wife as well as two boys ages 13 and 16 and a young lady age 20. We will be in Zurich a couple of days early. My oldest son is a geography buff and would love to take a day trip to Lichtenstein. Does anyone have any suggestions about day trip options? Looking forward to a great time.

    We passed through Liechtenstein on our way from Davos, Switzerland to Bad Worishofen, Germany during the Ultimate Alps & Dolomites trip last year. We stopped for a few hours in the VERY SMALL city of Vaduz, the capital, where we saw their parliament building, had a short wine tasting, and had a quick drive around town before heading on to Germany. While they aren't very far apart as the crow flys, Zurich to Vaduz via train takes 3-1/2 hours, one way. Frankly, other than to say you have been there, there is not much to see and do in Liechtenstein. I would seriously consider doing something else.

    Stay later in Munich- there are a lot more things to see and do that the kids might like- visit the BMW museum, take a Segway tour of the city (my wife and I did and it was great!!!) (riders must be 15), etc., etc.

    The residence (castle?) of the Prince and royal family on a hill that overlooks Vaduz (and most of Liechtenstein):


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