Colosseum tour

We are a 3 generation, family of 9 on the June 28th Sweet Life: Rome and Sorrento tour. From the published itinerary, I can't tell for sure whether seeing the Colosseum on the first day is a "drive by" or a more detailed visit/tour. Does anyone know if we will tour the inside of the Colosseum? Looking forward to meeting our fellow travelers.


  • Tauck is always ready to help with questions like this, call them for the true answer! Enjoy your trip
  • Seaman483 wrote:
    We are a 3 generation, family of 9 on the June 28th Sweet Life: Rome and Sorrento tour. From the published itinerary, I can't tell for sure whether seeing the Colosseum on the first day is a "drive by" or a more detailed visit/tour. Does anyone know if we will tour the inside of the Colosseum? Looking forward to meeting our fellow travelers.

    Hello Seaman483,

    On this itinerary, you do indeed tour the inside of the Colosseum. I was in Italy last year and loved it. Have a wonderful time and please let us know if you have any additional questions.


  • If interested in seeing the Roman Forum ask the TD about it. The Colosseum is a combo ticket and all on tour that wanted to see it was able to go in together on the ticket and not pay anything.

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