Port vs Starboard on Amstrdam to Budapest Cruise

I wonder if those that have made the Amsterdam to Budapest River Cruise might comment on the benefit of being on the port or starboard side of the MS TREASURE as it heads south.


  • To be honest I think it doesn't really matter. The rivers are not wide and you can see the towns on the banks from either side. For the record we were on the Port side of Treasures in 2011 in cabin 209.
  • The only time it matters is when you are docked side by side with another ship blocking your view. I don't think there is any way to really predict when that will happen and which side will be blocked. More important is how far forward you are (away from the engines and closer to the lobby), room size and deck.
  • I'll admit that I've only done two Tauck River Cruises but I can honestly say I've never heard anyone talk about Engine noise being a factor and as for mooring alongside another boat that's just the luck of the draw but on our cruises it didn't happen very often.
  • I never heard anyone complain about it either, but when we booked our first cruise the Tauck agent gave us a room fairly close to the front and said it was a good room because there was more noise toward the rear. Concur that sound insulation seems to be very good. I never once heard our neighbors either side and nor much hallway noise. The soft close room doors are amazing. I liked being more forward because it made getting back and forth to our room quick since almost everything seems to take place forward - coming/going on the ship, to meals, the lounge, etc.

    We only had stacking in Lyon the first night and later in Avignon. Lucked out with a port cabin and didn't get our view affected. As you say, totally luck of the draw and no way to know ahead of time. And as many have said on this forum, you spend very little time in your cabin and can always go to the lounge or top deck for a view and a waiter who will bring you something to drink. Yeah!
  • On any cruise I review the route and always book a room on the side that will get the most morning sunshine. On some cruises a westerly facing stateroom can be very warm; sometimes too warm to sit on the balcony in the afternoon.

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