Baden Baden?

We leave in two weeks for this trip. In the documents it indicates that on the day we are in Strousborg we take a walking tour in the morning, return to the boat for lunch, and then have the option of an afternoon in Baden Baden or I guess return to Strousborg to walk on our own. My question, is it worth going to Baden Baden or would time better be spent in Strousborg? I sure wish the documents were a lot more detailed about these port stops.


  • I was a little confused by your itinerary, until I realised that I'd done the longer Rhine & Mosel trip. We had a morning walking tour of Baden Baden. I really enjoyed it. All the main though traffic is directed under the town, leaving just local traffic and lots of pedestrians walking through a really pretty environment. Lots of history, beautiful gardens, very interesting architecture and some very stylish shopping, if that's the way your cc leads you! As for competition between Baden Baden & Strasbourg ... that's a very hard decision. Each is unique and they are very different historically and architecturally. The only thing I can suggest is to do your own research and decide on the basis of your own interests.

    You might try these sites in your quest:


  • I am sure you will find out more once on the cruise to decide.

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