Basel to Amsterdam - currency

I will be traveling in August 2015 and plan on spending 3 days in Basel before the cruise and 4 days in Amsterdam. I was wondering what is the best way to change currency. Should I get Swiss franc and euros before I leave or wait til I get there. I would appreciate advice.


  • We are leaving on this trip next week and will be in Basel for two days before boarding the ship. I bought $100.00 in Swiss Francs so that we are ready to go once off the plane. We have Euros left over from previous trips so no issue. The best, and cheapest, way to covert currency is with an ATM card once there, but I am uncomfortable leaving the airport without emergency cash in my pocket!
  • edited May 2015
    And in Europe they mostly use credit cards. They carry very little cash I am told.
  • Hi, BCH...

    My wife and I have done extensive traveling in Europe recently (although this will be our first Tauck cruise). My "lessons learned" from prior trips has led me to get: 1) a checking account with an ATM card from First Republic Bank... First Republic refunds ALL service charges, etc. etc. from any ATM anywhere in the world; and, 2) A United Airlines / Chase Manhattan Mileage Plus Explorer VISA card... they charge NO FEES on any foreign transactions. Both of these cards use the interbank exchange rate in effect as of the day & time you use them. I've also found that ATMs are all over the place in all European airports we've used, and so I never get currency in advance and only get what I think I'll need for a day or so when I get to the airport ATM at my first European arrival site.

    Hope you enjoy this cruise!!! We're taking the October 7 departure out of Basel.
  • Cap one and bank of americard have no transaction fees. I, also, have a cap one 360 ATM. I sometimes get starting cash from AAA or hit ATM at airport.
  • Want to thank all those who replied, it has helped a lot.

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