May28, 2015 trip

My husband and I are going on the trip beginning May 28, 2015. We were hoping to see if anyone else who is going on that trip would make contact so we can get to know each other before the trip. We are really looking forward to it.


  • My husband and I will also be on this tour, our 5th with Tauck! We are arriving a day early and doing a segway tour the morning of the 28th. If you would like to connect beforehand email us at
  • Sharper10 wrote:
    My husband and I will also be on this tour, our 5th with Tauck! We are arriving a day early and doing a segway tour the morning of the 28th. If you would like to connect beforehand email us at

    You will love the tour, Munich, and the Segway tour, we did!




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