Pre-tour visit to Dali Museum

My wife and I are arriving Barcelona 5/23/15 and are interested in taking a day trip to see the Dali
Museum (~2hours away) on 5/24/15 and get back for the orientation meeting with Tauk by 6PM that day. Anybody in our group want to share a private guide to take us there?


  • I always say the same thing to anyone who arrives the day before on an overnight flight that really is not overnight but usually means you arrive in Europe equivalent of about 3 or 4am Eastern time, that you may find it difficult falling asleep that first night, indeed the first couple of nights. After many years of traveling, in fact, I find the 5 or 6 hour time difference more challenging to adjust to than say the twelve hour difference tours. So I think it is always ambitious to plan to do anything like your suggested trip, two hours there and back and then head to the welcome meeting and to involve taking a pair of strangers with you when you don't know how they might be, maybe you or they may have a change of heart and not really want to go if they are feeling jet lag. I always think it is better to chill before the tour because Tauck tours are fully loaded, or arrive at least two days early to take in one or two extra sites. Entirely my opinion of course. I'll be heading to England and Spain in a couple of weeks myself.

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