Paris and Provence

We are wondering who will be taking the Paris and Provence tour August 2-9, 2015? What type of attire for the day touring and evenings are people planning on bringing? This is our first trip to France.


  • edited May 2015
    I lived in Europe for five years before coming to New York, and have travelled extensively throughout France. I would suggest that you bring casually comfortable clothing, but you might want to consider being a little more dressed up than you might ordinarily be in the States in the summer. Sneakers are generally frowned upon, so perhaps bring a more tailored walking shoe (I found Clark's to be a great source), and shorts are not worn in the city. Think polo shirts rather than tees, and chinos or stretch trousers rather than jeans. For dinners you'll find a jacket is generally suggested for gentlemen -- just a light linen one or a classic blue blazer would be fine -- and a simple dress or slacks and a blazer are fine for women. If you're planning on any upscale dining in Paris, definitely bring a necktie or two; some establishments still require one. We're taking the same tour in June, so I'm bringing a light cardigan and a wrap for evenings, but you probably won't need one in August. Hope this is helpful!
  • I wouldn't be so sure about not needed a cardigan or wrap. We were in Paris and Provence last July and I used both the light sweater I brought and the very light raincoat I packed multiple times. The sweater I thought would only be used on the flight over/back and the jacket I had just wadded up and shoved in the outer pocket of my suitcase. Was grateful for both.
  • edited May 2015
    Thank you very much for your suggestions. We are very excited about our adventure and already planning our wardrobe. These are certainly helpful tips to consider. Looking forward to meeting all our tour companions. We have been childhood best friends of 31 years and this has been a lifetime dream of ours.
  • Hi amosjen,
    Enjoy your trip! We did this tour all the way bk in '09 & are still talking about how great it was, in fact we have thought about doing it again sometime in the next few years. We loved all the small towns in Provence & Paris was like a dream. That was our 1st trip to Paris & since then we have gone back 2 more times. I agree w/ the previous poster about bringing a sweater/jacket. We were there last July & I wore both at the same time w/ a pair of jeans for two days as it was raining. The rest of the trip was sunny & warm but you never know.

    Have a fantastic time!!!!!
  • We are wondering who will be taking the Paris and Provence tour August 2-9, 2015? What type of attire for the day touring and evenings are people planning on bringing? This is our first trip to France.

    We just returned from this tour. (May 2016)
    I would recommend a suit jacket for men and a dress, or slacks and a blouse, for women at the welcome dinner in Monaco and both nights in Paris. Dinners in Provence were "smart casual" and chinos, golf shirts, slacks, dressy t-shirts or causal blouses were acceptable.
    In the daytime, you will need good, comfortable walking shoes and comfortable clothing. In May, we needed sweaters and light jackets at night. As the weather is unpredictable, have a light rain jacket or folding umbrella handy.
  • it will be hot in August so it's better take some light clothes

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