Pre-tour options in Glasgow

On 6/28/2015 A-Week-in-Scotland tour. Arriving a day the morning of 6/27. Need advice on Glasgow sightseeing and activities that complement the Tauck tour. Thanks so much in advance for any help! -Jerry and Emma


  • edited June 2015
    Well, I have lived in Glasgow, but it was forty years ago, I learned to drive there but had no car of my own, so I just had to look to see how far away Loch Lomond is from Glasgow, because your hotel is not in Glasgow, it is twenty miles away, well the loch is, did not look further to see exactly where Alexandria is where the hotel is located. Viator says it's a forty minute drive to the city. So there is your first problem. But. The second one is that you are only arriving the day before, morning yes, but have you considered jet lag? I don't know if this is your first trip going east, but if you are coming from the eastern seaboard, it means you will miss out on a good half night's sleep just crossing over the Atlantic to get to Glasgow, a drive to the hotel, a check in, a sort yourself out, a little unpack, a do I try to stay up, or should I take a short nap? So many decisions before I even think if I feel fit enough to traipse back into Glasgow to site see. So for me, that first day is a wipe out. I would take a stroll around the local area. June is the absolute best month to visit. The next day, your official tour starts at 5pm. So you will need to get up early to make it worth going into Glasgow to see anything before you head back in decent time to allow for traffic and to not miss the welcome meeting. If you had asked me, I would have recommended arriving maybe three days early so you can see something of the fantastic architecture and museums that Glasgow has to offer. Tauck seems to have a sensible pattern of not giving time to properly look around the first city on a tour because people do like to arrive early, that's what they hope people will do, so there are not issues over delays and people get over jet lag, look around the city without repeating the places Tauck do take you. I have friends who are taking this tour, they asked advice, so they are arriving earlier, are staying IN Glasgow, doing site seeing and then heading to the start hotel for the beginning of the tour. I do wish I could have advised you like this, is there any way you can arrive earlier, or is it too late?
    Whenever we do a Tauck tour that involves a shift to an easterly direction time change, we try to arrive two or three days early, to get over jet lag and to see some more of the start city. It's a challenge because my husband is not retired and American vacation allowance are so stingy. If times and funds allow, we have tried to do two Tauck tours some years, so a day here and there adds up on vacation allowance. If the direction is going West, it's not too bad at all, your body has you up before the Lark as we say and the jet lag effects are minimal. We would recommend any one going east to think about the effects of jet lag, unless you know already you are one of those rare people who can cope. Then factor this into your plans.
  • Thank you so much for your detailed reply and suggestions, British! Sorry for my late response. I'm new to this forum...couldn't find my thread for several days:-) Yes, it's too late for me to change itinerary. In addition, I wouldn't be able to leave early because of work. I suppose we would just stay around Loch Lomond then. There are many outdoor activities we can choose from, such as hiking and biking tours. We don't have any jet lag going either way to begin our trips...adrenaline surge I guess. Coming back home to a big letdown is always hard. Yes, I agree returning easterly is much worse. Will save Glasgow for the next trip! Thanks again!
  • I will be on the Aug. 6th tour and have looked into going to Glasgow. There is a train station about a mile from hotel. If I do go in Rick Steve's travel book has a walking tour. If I don't decide to do something at hotel that is what I am planning to do. I am going in several days early and using public transportation to go to the Isle of Skye for several days. After the tour I am going to Aberdeen for several days to use public transportation to tour a few castles in the area.

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