Free time at Hotels- best time and place to schedule massage?

My husband and I are traveling on the Sept. 15, 2015 departure and would like to plan in advance for a massage at one of the outstanding hotels during the trip. Does anyone have an idea of where we have the most free time?


  • edited June 2015
    You will get a more detailed itinerary about a month before your trip which might help you see where the free time might be. That should give you time to make appointments before they fill up.
  • Aghado Heights Spa is listed on all sites as one of the Top 5 or Top 10 spas in Ireland. And the schedule appears as if there will be some time to use spa services. Here is the website link:
  • Thanks for the info. And many thanks to Peringrator with his detailed itinerary posted from 2014, also in this forum. By way of his review, many other questions were answered. Looking forward to the trip!
  • Also hotels with great spas are:
    • Aghadoe Heights
    • Mount Juliet Estate
    • Ashford Castle
    • Lough Erne Golf Resort
    • Merchant Hotel

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