Meeting the Tauck Group at Frankfort Airport

We are flying to Dusseldorf a couple of days early to visit my Aunt and Cousin in the Bad Godesberg area. We will be returning a rental car at the Frankfort Airport midday on June 27 and will need to find the Tauck Group. Any suggestions to find the group quickly? Thanks for your help.


  • edited June 2015
    Not everyone arrives on the same flight or even the same day. So quite often when we are picked up at the airport, we are the only people and Tauck sends a car. Some times there is a small group of us, but never has there been an entire group of people. So really there might not be a group to meet. Occasionally there are several tours leaving from the same point, the clue that people are not on your tour is that their Tauck luggage tags will be a different color and their hotel may be different to yours. All you need to do is tell Tauck when you will be at the airport and arrange to meet the Tauck representativet at the usual place they meet people on your tour. They always carry a Tauck logo card and if you cannot find them, an emergency number is provided for you, which you also may find is the same number you call if your flight is delayed. This definitely needs a call to Tauck to arrange and discuss. Normally they require three weeks notice to arrange the transport to pick people up, which is of course usually from a flight. When you receive your paperwork about four weeks before your tour, it usually tells you where to find your Tauck person and a lot more detail of the itinerary. These are the things I notice about Tauck and tours as I do more and more of them, I hope this helps.
    Luggage restrictions and Laundry--- there really is no need to have a huge amount of clothing, as long as you are not a stinky person, no one on a Tauck tour is going to give a second thought to the same outfit being worn a second, third or fourth time! Enjoy.

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