June 27, 2015 Departure -- Seattle ?

This forum does not seem to generate many posts. Just giving a shout out and a 'hello' to those who may be on June 27 departure. I am traveling from southeastern Wisconsin and look forward to joining everyone.

Question: We have free time on day 4 of trip after visit to Pike Place Market and before dinner at Space Needle. Would like feedback from those who may have been on trip. While I have visited Seattle before, it has been years ago. My plan now would be to visit the Chihuly Art Museum, which is right at Space Needle. The Museum of Flight also looks so interesting and worthwhile, but is a little bit further out of central part of city. I value Tauck travelers opinions. Anyone have comments or suggestions, or any other tip on a restaurant or anything else to do during free time on this trip.

Thanks to anyone who posts!


  • edited June 2015
    Did this tour a couple of years ago, though not my first visit to Seattle. Dale Chihuly Museum is wonderful, took lots of pictures. Also right nearby is the Experience Music Project EMP, kinda like a mini Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, if you loved Jimi Hendrix there is stuff about him too since he was from Seattle, I saw him in England as a teenager, so it was fun to reminisce about all the groups I saw with him. Across the road is the Gates Foundation Visitor Center which is also worth seeing. We loved Seattle and after visiting there my husband decided he could easily get a job with the Foundation, but sadly remains on the To Do list!
  • hello to traveler to pacific northwest from WI. june 27...coming in from MI....hope to meet you in portland!
  • dham wrote:
    hello to traveler to pacific northwest from WI. june 27...coming in from MI....hope to meet you in portland!

    Dham: And hello and greetings fellow Midwesterner! Weather predictions showing some pretty hot weather for Portland this weekend. Look forward to meeting you in Portland.
  • So none of my suggestions were of any use to you Vivimus? Hope you find things to do with your new Mid Westerner friends

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