July 3 2015 Bucharest - Amsterdam on MS Treasures

Trying to locate some fellow travelers for this cruise! We are Dick and Gerri from Maui, Hawaii, and are first time riverboat cruisers. We are really looking forward to this new adventure. Hope to hear from some of you soon!


  • I am beginning to realize what a very small percentage of customers use this forum. With around 130 passengers on every trip, the numbers are very small. Have you tried the Tauck Facebook page, I don't do Facebook myself so I have no idea if the site is very active.
  • I agree "British", only a bit more than one week for my cruise and only 6 people have responded on the July 2nd Budapest to Amsterdam cruise.
    But it maybe that the age group is not too computer savvy!
    Oh well it may be a very intimate cruise.
  • RGM2, where is the post you mention? I have not been able to find anything at all!
  • Gerr wrote:
    RGM2, where is the post you mention? I have not been able to find anything at all!

    Different cruise, leaving Budapest July 2nd for Amsterdam on Ms.Esprit.

    My post is in Eastern and Central Europe "Northbound Ms.Esprit July 2nd".

    Enjoy your trip.

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